A blog, suggested by my wife Bernadette (my Drew Believer), about my two decades in and around the Boston Music Scene. She's heard my million-or-so true stories a thousand times, and I can't believe she's still entertained by them. It'll be fun to recall the people, places and tales, both comedic and tragic, of these last twenty-something years.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A "Flowery" Slideshow...

Hothouse Flowers were both Hot, AND in The House at Newbury in '89

Look what I just found on the world-wide interweb! I was Googling to see what became of Newbury Sound, the studio I worked out of from '86 to roughly '96, and I found the studio's new web-site, Newbury Media.com. On the site there's a slide-show of the time the Irish band Hothouse Flowers came in to the studio to do a live WBCN Lunchtime Concert, hosted by Carter Alan. This was 1989 and Hothouse Flowers was touring off their huge LP, "People" and its hits from that year. The buzz at the time was that HF were going to be the next U2. As you can see from the pics, there was a small studio audience in there. Keep watching the slides roll and in the very last two, you'll see the band and Carter Alan hanging in the control-room with the guy who was at the console, mixing the show. Yep, that's me with the bad tie-die shirt. My hair looks cool though. There were a few mullets on display that day and I'm glad to say I was not a mulleteer. (Never had one, ever). In the last shot that's me in the middle, surrounded by the band, and with Carter just above me. You can see that at tis point in my life and career, I thought I had arrived. This is where I belonged; sitting at a big recording console with a famous major-label band. I was on the launchpad at age 28. Little did I know then that my rocket-fuel was watered down...