A blog, suggested by my wife Bernadette (my Drew Believer), about my two decades in and around the Boston Music Scene. She's heard my million-or-so true stories a thousand times, and I can't believe she's still entertained by them. It'll be fun to recall the people, places and tales, both comedic and tragic, of these last twenty-something years.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

My Friend Boo

Fargo Townson, 1996 to 2009, R.I.P.

Bernadette and I are heartbroken tonight. Fargo Townson (I called him Boo), our best friend for 13 years, went to sleep today. He was looking at me with his soulful eyes as he closed them for the last time. He had the heart of a puppy right up to the end. He was my first dog, and I will never forget him. He taught me the meaning of unconditional love. With Boo I learned about life's simplest and most precious pleasures -- playing ball with my dog. Playing fetch. Walking with him, running with him, chasing and being chased by him. Getting my face licked to smithereens by him. Making a grown man in to a little boy. I learned there is nothing like the companionship of a dog. These are the memories that you remember when it's your turn to "go to sleep". He was a comedian and a clown, and with a heart so sweet. He was a champ, whose only goal in life was to be with us and please us. Everyone who ever met Fargo fell in love with him, and he loved them, too. He was a truly special dog. I remember in his younger days, he was so handsome that everywhere we went, people - total strangers - would shout, "Beautiful Dog!" or, "He's a champ!" When we were out walking kids would always come over to meet and greet him. That's why we called him "The Mayor of The Neighborhood." Through thick and thin, he was my buddy; the best buddy a guy could ever have. Farewell Boo, my good boy, my good good boy. I WILL MISS YOU FOREVER.

Me an' Baby Boo, February 1997